
October 02, 2018
Professor Brown: Elite institutions have a responsibility to combat "culture of impunity"
September 27, 2018
New Penn State School of International Affairs faculty add interdisciplinary expertise in energy and development

September 14, 2018
Professor DeThomas: U.S. sanctions on North Korea not enough to move denuclearization talks forward
August 25, 2018
Four new faculty members join civil and environmental engineering

August 08, 2018
SIA affiliate faculty member creates "first of its kind" nuclear security program

August 06, 2018
Professor McClennen: When discussing the Middle East, we avoid the human cost of conflict

July 27, 2018
Professor Blumsack comments on US electric grid and changing energy landscape

July 27, 2018
Dr. McClennen joins the TKO Show to discuss the role of satire in public and political debates

July 26, 2018
Professor DeThomas comments in the NYT on North Korea's use of forced labor abroad

July 20, 2018
Professor McClennen discusses her recent Salon piece on KGO Radio

July 18, 2018
Professor McClennen: Nothing Donald Trump did in Helsinki was a surprise

July 16, 2018
Incoming SIA student "embodies democracy in action"

July 13, 2018
SIA affiliate faculty member helps forge unique partnership between Ag Sciences and Oxfam

July 09, 2018
Professor McClennen: America's real Muslim problem is Islamophobia

July 02, 2018
"It isn’t the endless media coverage of Trump that's the big problem, but how it is executed," writes Professor McClennen in Salon

June 27, 2018
SIA affiliate faculty member analyzes Supreme Court ruling on credit card anti-steering provision

June 22, 2018
Professor McClennen appears on Indiana University public radio to talk about the power of political satire

June 21, 2018
Class of 2017: 94 percent secured full-time employment or are pursuing further education

June 19, 2018
Prof. Titley outlines steps for U.S. to "develop a coherent and sustainable presence in the Arctic"

June 14, 2018
Professor DeThomas helps Politifact determine whether North Korea is "no longer a nuclear threat"

June 12, 2018
Amb. DeThomas shares his expertise on North Korea with Portuguese news outlet

June 07, 2018
Professor McClennen joins KPFA Radio to discuss Russiagate, the DNC and more

June 01, 2018
SIA affiliate faculty member's new book explores the world of 'digital refugees'

May 22, 2018
In Washington Post, Professor DeThomas says U.S. cannot easily return to "maximum pressure" on North Korea

May 10, 2018
Ismagulov ’13 receives 2018 SIA Distinguished Alumni Award

May 10, 2018
Professor DeThomas discusses the death of the maximum pressure policy in 38North

May 04, 2018
First-year student earns prestigious Boren Fellowship

April 26, 2018
SIA student organizes event bringing Holocaust survivor to campus

March 27, 2018
VP of bipartisan think tank to discuss 'The Kremlin Playbook' on March 29

March 22, 2018
Dr. McClennen discusses free speech and higher education in New York Magazine

March 19, 2018
SIA affiliate faculty member seeks to sustain peace through media

March 17, 2018
Professor DeThomas breaks down potential talks between the U.S. and North Korea

March 09, 2018
SIA student selected for prestigious UNESCO fellowship to combat rise of violent extremism

March 08, 2018
Professor DeThomas talks North Korean sanctions with WJLA

March 07, 2018
North Korea sanctions hold promise, Professor DeThomas writes in The Hill

March 06, 2018
Professor DeThomas helps PolitiFact investigate claims Russia was 'exempted' from latest round of North Korea sanctions
February 28, 2018
Students explore career paths, build professional networks in New York

February 23, 2018
In climate change, Trump is Obama's mirror image, says Professor Titley in The Economist

February 15, 2018
Professor McClennen to present "Trump is a Joke" at invitation of McCourtney Institute for Democracy

February 15, 2018
Affiliate faculty member introduces new engineering course on public policy and ethical decision making

February 14, 2018
The new budget includes a heavy icebreaker, which Professor Titley says the US has needed for years

February 14, 2018
Professor Titley discusses new start-up Jupiter in Washington Post article

February 13, 2018
Dean Osofsky and co-author awarded Morrison Prize for sustainability-related legal research

February 12, 2018
Former State Department and National Security Council legal adviser speaks at SIA

February 12, 2018
'Culture is crucial in preparing our students for success,' says Dean Osofsky in latest interview

February 02, 2018
Palestinian ambassador to visit School of International Affairs

February 02, 2018
"We get to choose our own reality," says Jordan Klepper in interview with Professor McClennen about his political satire TV show

January 31, 2018