
Professor DeThomas Discusses North Korea in South Korean Radio Interview

Jett: 'If Trump wants nuclear war, virtually no one can stop him'

Professor Joseph DeThomas

Professor DeThomas quoted in The Washington Post on North Korea's designation as a state sponsor of terrorism

Professor Titley talks climate change and Trump with The New York Times

Professor Larry Catá Backer

Professor Backer in the Tehran Times: U.S. withdrawal from treaties, opportunity for China, Iran

Professor DeThomas quoted in Financial Times on breach of North Korea sanctions

SIA students work with decorated diplomat in Army War College simulation

Professor McClennen on comedy, activism, and Michael Moore in Salon

Dean Osofsky in the LA Times: Energy markets, legal challenges will blunt roll back of EPA carbon rules

Former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper

James Clapper to speak at Penn State on November 6

Penn State Law, SIA members of new interdisciplinary security center

Is free speech in danger on college campuses? Professor McClennen investigates for Salon

Arizona Republic cites Professor DeThomas in analysis of North Korea

Professor Jett examines difficulties of diplomacy for American Foreign Service Association

In Salon, Professor McClennen writes new satire program fills important role in media landscape

U.S. Ambassador Thomas Pickering

SIA to host decorated career ambassador for public lecture, Army Way College simulation

U.S. State Department seal

SIA to supplement funding for prestigious international affairs fellowships

International human rights panel discusses need to ‘call the bluff of the powerful’

Professor Dennis Jett

Professor Dennis Jett in Foreign Affairs on 'The Future of UN Peacekeepers in Lebanon'

Professor Joseph DeThomas

Professor DeThomas on 38North: 'The Lamps are Going Out in Asia'

Proferssor Titley on NPR's 'Living on Earth' discussing hurricanes, the military response, and climate change

Professor Dennis Jett

Professor Jett: America can't be the world’s cop, but must not walk away from its responsibilities

Professor Jett: "Trump Is Far More Embarrassing to the U.S. Than the Iran Nuclear Deal"

Author James Forman Jr. to discuss ‘Crime and Punishment in Black America’

Aspiring Foreign Service officer spends summer at U.S. Embassy in Serbia

IUG student takes an inside look at international think tanks

International student combats human trafficking in Colorado

SIA student’s summer internship leads to full-time position at UN Population Fund

SIA students work on global issues in international internships

Professor Titley talks to New York Times on impossibility of "escaping" effects of climate change

In Salon, Professor McClennen looks how sexism did (and didn't) shape the 2016 election

DACA, social media impact discussed at human rights panel

Professor DeThomas comments on North Korea sanctions vote in the AP

Professor McClennen examines new books from Clinton, Sanders in Salon

U.S. Ambassador to speak in Philadelphia on North Korea and nuclear weapons

Professor Titley in the Conversation: Why does 2 degrees Celsius matter?

In Salon, Professor McClennen examines free speech, college campuses, and "blue-baiting"

Tom Sullivan, President of the University of Vermont

University of Vermont president to discuss campus speech on Sept. 29

Susan E. Bohna

Susan Bohna named director of development for Penn State Law, SIA

Professor McClennen examines Jon Stewart's legacy in Salon column

Newsweek quotes Professor Titley on Trump's cuts to weather research ahead of Hurricane Harvey

International panel to examine human rights around the globe

Professor McClennen explores reactions to Charlottesville in Salon column

Professor Joseph DeThomas

Christian Science Monitor quotes Professor DeThomas on North Korea crisis

Professor McClennen tackles the idea of partisan satire in Salon

Director Gartner discusses Trump and North Korea with Wired

Joseph DeThomas

DeThomas quoted in New York Times on UN Security Council sanctions against North Korea

Joseph DeThomas

Professor DeThomas: UN Security Council resolution on North Korea 'An Invitation to Evasion'