
Sri Lankan diplomat to visit SIA to discuss post-war peace building

Professor McClennen analyzes a new book from "the Egyptian Jon Stewart" for Salon

SIA advisory board member talks Russia and Trump on NPR

Professor McClennen talks Trump, political satire with Vox News

SIA student recognized with Spirit of Internationalization award

Professor Titley pens WashPo article calling on climate change scientists to "boycott biased congressional hearings"

SIA alumna Esra Sergi—seen here in the U.N. Security Conference Chambers, where she has worked as a public information officer—is just one of the SIA alumni excelling in careers at the United Nations.

SIA alumni excel in careers at the United Nations

Professor Dowler elected as AAG National Councilor

In Salon, Professor McClennen writes America is "relearning Democracy"

Professor David Titley discusses climate change in new documentary

SIA achieves 97 percent career placement rate as students find international success

Scott Hillkirk receives SIA’s inaugural Alumni Service Award

Professor McClennen talks satire with "the Egyptian Jon Stewart"

Professor Leverett writes that Trump's Asia strategy could trigger war

Professor DeThomas examines the possibility of designating North Korea a state-sponsor of terrorism

Professor Leverett discusses myths about Iran for Consortium News

In Salon, Professor McClennen writes the Trump Administration is a missed opportunity for the press

In Huffington Post, SIA Director Gartner pens article on future of cyber-terrorism

SIA’s new study abroad program opens up world of possibility for students

Professor McClennen offers ways to fight back in new Salon column

Professor Titley comments on proposed cuts to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration in Washington Post

Professor Titley talks climate change with the Christian Science Monitor

Penn State in Top 10 Schools for Peace Corps Volunteers

Professor McClennen discusses psychological impact of Trump administration in Salon

Director Gartner quoted in Wired report on Kim Jong Nam assassination

SIA students make connections with employers, alumni in New York City

SIA Professor Flynt Leverett speaks about Syria’s role in the Middle East, as well as the role of U.S. foreign policy, during “From Aleppo to Washington: Crisis in Syria."

SIA in DC: Expert panel discusses Syrian civil war and refugee crisis

The Economist quotes Professor Maitland on role of technology in refugees' lives

Professor McClennen writes for Salon the USA is in "a full-blown satire rebellion"

Professor Joseph DeThomas

DeThomas comments on North Korean sanctions for Voice of America

Professor Titley comments on controversy surrounding NOAA climate science study

Cuban diplomat visits School of International Affairs

SIA welcomed as member of Association of Professional Schools of International Affairs

Professor Jett tells Voice of America the State Department must "salvage rational" foreign policy

Professor Titley warns of " ‘smoking gun’ pointing to rapid climate change" in the Washington Post

At SIA, first secretary of Cuban Embassy shares optimism for future of Cuba-U.S. relations

Professor David Titley

Titley co-authors New York Times op-ed as Doomsday Clock advances toward midnight

Professor David Titley

Professor Titley comments on 'Earth's warmest year' in the Washington Post

Professor Leverett comments on China and the Trans-Pacific Partnership for 9Finance

Professor Leverett writes that as U.S. steps away from global stage, China steps up

Professors Jett and Fedderke examine the cost of U.S. Ambassador appointments

Professor DeThomas talks North Korea with WWL Radio

Professor Fedderke helps World Bank create greater shared prosperity in South Africa

Hari M. Osofsky

New dean named for Penn State Law and School of International Affairs

Flynt Leverett

America must contend with a “rising China,” Professor Leverett writes in new publication

Professor Backer

Professor Backer predicts 'Trump will be a good president' for WalletHub

Professor Dennis Jett

Professor Jett analyzes President-Elect Trump for WalletHub

Penn State to live stream commencement ceremony with SIA students