
Joseph DeThomas

Los Angeles Times quotes Professor DeThomas on UN North Korea sanctions

Professor McClennen examines "the businessman myth" in Salon column

Professor Jett weighs in on the "creeping monarchism" of the U.S. State Department

SIA affiliate faculty member envisions bipartisan technology policy in the Los Angeles Times

SIA affiliate faculty member comments on corporate support for federal agencies in The New York Times

Professor McClennen discusses the importance of Black Lives Matter in Salon column

Professor and former U.S. Ambassador Jett discusses Trump's diplomat appointments with the Los Angeles Times

In Salon, Professor McClennen discusses the rise of alt-right media

Professor DeThomas helps PoltiFact investigate claims on Cuban and North Korean sanctions

Professor DeThomas joins WWL Radio to discuss North Korea

Professor DeThomas talks North Korea with NBC News

Professor Jett offers some satirical advice for reorganizing the State Department

Professor Jett offers some satirical advice for reorganizing the State Department

In Salon, Professor McClennen says truth is "the new partisan divide"

Professor DeThomas discusses danger of travel to North Korea with Newsweek

Professor McClennen on the rise of "crying satire" as a political defense

SIA adviser wins Penn State Distinguished Alumni Award, looks back on illustrious career

Professor Titley comments on link between climate change and terrorism for Reuters

Professor McClennen tackles "biased coverage of terrorist attacks" in her Salon column

In Salon, Professor McClennen breaks down the media's "addiction" to Trump

Incoming Dean Osofsky joins distinguished panel to discuss future of energy

In the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, Professor Jett argues recent government leaks were justified

Professor Jett writes that Trump's Saudi Arabia speech represents "massive shift in U.S. foreign policy"

Professor Jett writes in Washington Post that Trump's ambassador nominations are not "draining the swamp"

Professor McClennen examines the state of higher education in Salon

SIA student presents original research at major international conference

SIA student travels to Tanzania to put innovative idea to the test

Professor DeThomas comments on North Korean sanctions in The New York Times

Professor Sophia McClennen

Professor McClennen discusses politics and satire on new RealClearPolitics podcast

Professor Fedderke comments on poverty and economic growth in Business Day

Penn State School of International Affairs professor and associate director Sophia McClennen

Professor McClennen to present on satire and the media in four countries

Professor McClennen examines the White House's press strategy for Salon

Professor McClennen talks satire with Germany's largest daily newspaper

Professor Titley to discuss combating climate change at national TED Talk

Professor Dennis Jett

Professor Jett's book 'American Ambassadors' reviewed on WPSU radio

Professor Flynt Leverett

Leverett in Fortune: 'How Trump should view North Korea’s nuclear ambitions'

Professor Dennis Jett

Professor Jett comments on Trump's pick for ambassador to China

Professor McClennen goes viral in Vox video on satire, the media, and Trump

SIA students win multiple University-wide graduate awards

Professor Behring receives 2017 Achieving Women Award

What would cutting UN peacekeeping funding say about the US, asks Professor Jett

In Salon, Professor McClennen writes Trump has a millennial problem

Professor McClennen talks "Satire in the Age of President Trump" on RT Today

Professor McClennen talks satire, politics, and media with The Daily Collegian

Professor Eleanor Brown

Eleanor Brown to join School of International Affairs faculty

In Salon, Professor McClennen says the Trump administration is giving satire back its edge

Professor Jett weighs in on U.S. missile strike against Syria in The Daily Item

Students spend spring break in Cuba, standing at crossroads in history