
Islamophobia is about politics, not faith: New study explores impact on 2020 elections

Samantha Bee's brutal Trump taunts: Why her Not the White House Correspondents' Dinner is necessary

The Mueller Report has become the left's Benghazi

SIA student receives the Professional Master's Excellence Award

Why is it so threatening to say Muslim lives matter?

Professor Ransom featured in WCU Alumni Spotlight

SIA students experience international diplomacy, development in Peru

Trip to New York City helps students explore career options

Professor Sophia McClennen

Professor McClennen analyzes public feelings on mixing politics and comedy

Professor Rogers' Arbitrator Intelligence project to tackle lack of arbitrator info

SIA and IST launch new integrated degree program focused on global security

Shadi Ghrayeb (’12 M.I.A.) was recently named one of 15 recipients of the 2019 Penn State Alumni Association Alumni Achievement Award.

Shadi Ghrayeb receives Alumni Achievement Award

The one thing that should really worry you about the 2020 election

Professor Sophia McClennen

Professor McClennen discusses the 5 ways late night comedy will shape the 2020 election

Ambassador DeThomas contributes to Politifact article fact-checking Trump on N. Korea

Professor McClennen discusses satire and politics in the Trump era on the Halli Casser-Jayne Show

Security and the Autonomous Future symposium

April symposium to focus on the effects of autonomous systems on security

Amy Fellin Caputo

Amy Fellin Caputo named director of marketing and communications for Penn State Law, SIA

SIA student discusses her role as president of organization helping North Korean refugees

SIA affiliate professor named Security Center's first Faculty Fellow

D.C. trip leads to networking opportunities, career insights for SIA students

SIA honors fall 2018 graduating class

Retired Navy Admiral Michael Rogers, former director of the National Security Agency

Former NSA director discusses national security in the digital era

SIA students embrace experiential learning during international crisis simulation

Center for Global Studies gets $1.1 million grant from Department of Education

New faculty member joins SIA from the White House

Professor McClennen joins Mideast Beast Podcast to discuss satire in the age of Trump

Professor Brown: Elite institutions have a responsibility to combat "culture of impunity"

New Penn State School of International Affairs faculty add interdisciplinary expertise in energy and development

Professor DeThomas: U.S. sanctions on North Korea not enough to move denuclearization talks forward

Four new faculty members join civil and environmental engineering

SIA affiliate faculty member creates "first of its kind" nuclear security program

Professor McClennen: When discussing the Middle East, we avoid the human cost of conflict

Professor Blumsack comments on US electric grid and changing energy landscape

Dr. McClennen joins the TKO Show to discuss the role of satire in public and political debates

Professor DeThomas comments in the NYT on North Korea's use of forced labor abroad

Professor McClennen discusses her recent Salon piece on KGO Radio

Professor McClennen: Nothing Donald Trump did in Helsinki was a surprise

Incoming SIA student "embodies democracy in action"

SIA affiliate faculty member helps forge unique partnership between Ag Sciences and Oxfam

Professor McClennen: America's real Muslim problem is Islamophobia

"It isn’t the endless media coverage of Trump that's the big problem, but how it is executed," writes Professor McClennen in Salon

SIA affiliate faculty member analyzes Supreme Court ruling on credit card anti-steering provision

Professor McClennen appears on Indiana University public radio to talk about the power of political satire

Class of 2017: 94 percent secured full-time employment or are pursuing further education

Prof. Titley outlines steps for U.S. to "develop a coherent and sustainable presence in the Arctic"

Professor DeThomas helps Politifact determine whether North Korea is "no longer a nuclear threat"

Amb. DeThomas shares his expertise on North Korea with Portuguese news outlet