Sophia A. McClennen
- Professor of International Affairs and Comparative Literature
- Ph.D., Duke University
- M.A., Duke University
- A.B., Harvard University, cum laude
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Dr. McClennen is professor of international affairs and comparative literature and the founding director of Penn State's Center for Global Studies, a Title VI FLAS Center, and has ties to the departments of Spanish and Women's Studies. She has published twelve books and has two in process. Her most recent monograph is Pranksters vs. Autocrats: Why Dilemma Actions Advance Nonviolent Activism (Cornell UP 2020), co-authored with Srdja Popovic. She also recently released Globalization and Latin American Cinema: Toward a New Critical Paradigm (Palgrave 2018) and The Debt Age (Routledge 2018), co-edited with Jeffrey Di Leo and Peter Hitchcock. Other recent books include The Routledge Companion to Human Rights and Literature (2015), co-edited with Alexandra Schultheis Moore, which includes over 50 contributions to the topic. She also recently published, Is Satire Saving our Nation? Mockery and American Politics (Palgrave 2014), co-authored with Penn State communications undergraduate Remy Maisel, and Neoliberalism, Terrorism, Education (Paradigm 2013), which she co-wrote with Jeffrey Di Leo, Henry Giroux, and Kenneth Saltman. Her latest manuscript is entitled The Comedians Aren't Kidding: Why Satire Makes Sense When Politics Doesn’t, which analyzes the role that political satire has played in the Trump era. She is also working on a book in the global impact of political satire: The Revolution Will Be Satirized.
In addition to her books she has edited eight special issues of journals and published over 70 scholarly essays on a range of topics all of which coalesce around the question of how culture, politics, and society intersect. Her work often analyzes the links between political events and their media representations, which has led her to critique the relationship between mainstream culture, politics, bias, and social injustice. She also publishes on cultural responses to social conflict such as those associated with war, imperialism, immigration, dictatorship, patriarchy, and globalization. Other central research areas include work on political satire, social media, and the millennial generation.
She has conducted research on education and international area studies, with particular attention to how multidisciplinary approaches enhance understanding of global issues. She is particularly interested in the way that the media can influence ideas of civic agency and national ideals and she is one of the nation’s leading experts on the connections between satire, democracy, and the public sphere. She regularly lectures on cultural identity, ethics, and cross-cultural communication and she is working on a method for minimizing the role of cultural bias in conflict. She teaches courses in cultures of globalization, cross-cultural conflict resolution, human rights culture, global media, political journalism, the cultures of displaced peoples, cultural trade policy, and theories of globalization.
In 2006 she was the Fulbright Research Chair in Globalization and Cultural Studies at Dalhousie University in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada and she also held a Fulbright faculty award in Peru in 2002. She has taught in Chile, Canada, Germany, Kazakhstan, and Peru, and has conducted research in those countries as well as in Argentina, Bolivia, Mexico, Spain, Guatemala, Uruguay, and Costa Rica.
She serves on the editorial boards of fourteen journals and regularly peer reviews for journals and government agencies in the United States and abroad. She is also on the editorial review board for a Palgrave series: Studies in Globalization, Cultural and Society (series editors Jeroen de Kloet, Director of the Amsterdam Centre for Globalisation Studies and Esther Peeren, Vice-Director, Amsterdam School for Cultural Analysis). Her fellow board members include Peter Hitchcock, Arjun Appadurai, Rey Chow, Ien Ang, Ginette Verstraete, Patrice Petro, Kuan-Hsing Chen and Peter van der Veer.
She has received grant funding totaling over $4.5 million from the National Endowment for the Humanities, the Social Science Research Council, Fulbright, the Department of Education, the Tinker Foundation, the World University Network, and other funding agencies. She has served on the boards of the American Comparative Literature Association and the International American Studies Association and on an executive committee of the Modern Language Association dedicated to academic freedom and professional rights and responsibilities.
She writes regularly for Salon and has published in Huffington Post, Daily Beast, Truthout, Counterpunch, and other sites as well. She has been interviewed by Neil de Grasse Tyson, CNN, BBC TV, Wall Street Journal TV, HuffPost Live, The Chicago Tribune, The Washington Post, The Philadelphia Inquirer, Politico, Variety, The Hill, NPR-Miami, and CBC Canada among others. Her website is: Find her on Twitter @mcclennen65.
With Remy Maisel. Is Satire Saving Our Nation? Mockery and American Politics. New York: Palgrave 2013. Under contract.With Jeffrey Di Leo, Henry Giroux, and Kenneth Saltman. Neoliberalism, Education, Terrorism: Contemporary Dialogues.Paradigm. Boulder, CO: 2013.America According to Colbert: Satire as Public Pedagogy. New York: Palgrave, 2011.In paper as: Colbert's America: Satire and Democracy New York: Palgrave, 2012.Ariel Dorfman: An Aesthetics of Hope. Durham, NC: Duke UP, 2010.The Dialectics of Exile: Nation, Time, Language, and Space in Hispanic Literatures. West Lafayette, IN: Purdue UP, 2004.Co-Edited
With Alexandra Schulteis Moore. The Routledge Companion to Human Rights and Literature. New York: Routledge. (forthcoming)With Brantley Nicholson, eds. The Generation of '72: Latin America's Forced Global Citizens. Editorial A contracorriente.Raleigh, NC, 2013.With Henry James Morello, eds. Representing Humanity in an Age of Terror. West Lafayette, IN: Purdue UP, 2010.With Earl E. Fitz, eds. Comparative Cultural Studies and Latin America. West Lafayette, IN: Purdue UP, 2004.Edited Journal Issues
“Remediation.” Special ACLA forum for Comparative Literature (Winter 2014).With Jeffrey Di Leo, eds. “Violence.” Special issue of symploke. 20.1-2. (Fall 2012).With Brantley Nicholson, eds. The Generation of '72. Special issue of A contracorriente. 10.1 (Fall 2012.)With Joseph R. Slaughter, eds. “Human Rights and Literary Forms.” Thematic Issue of Comparative Literature Studies46.1 (2009). Includes an introduction by the co-editors.With Ron Strickland, eds. (Dis)Locations of Culture: Chilean Culture after Pinochet. Special issue of Mediations 22 (Spring 1999). Includes an article by Sophia A. McClennen as noted below.Selected Esays
“Where is Latin American Culture? From the Location of Culture to the Ethics of Culture.” Alter/nativas 1.1 (spring 2013): ttp:// Brantley Nicholson). “The Generation of '72: Latin America's Forced Global Citizens.” A contracorriente 10.1 (Fall 2012): 1-17.“The Theory and Practice of the Peruvian Grupo Chaski.” Jump Cut 50 (2008):“The Humanities, Human Rights, and the Comparative Imagination.” Representing Humanity in an Age of Terror. Eds. Sophia A. McClennen and Henry James Morello. Thematic issue of CLC Web: Comparative Literature and Culture 9.1 (2008).“Area Studies Beyond Ontology: Notes on Latin American Studies, American Studies, and Inter-American Studies.” A contracorriente 5.1 (2007): 173–84. -
Dr. McClennen quoted in article about how politicians use humor in campaigns
Faculty panel examines potential global effects of upcoming presidential election
Dr. Sophia McClennen featured on ‘Canada Talks’ morning news podcast
Dr. McClennen's new op-ed: Why it's so hard to talk about Gaza
Dr. McClennen shares new op-ed: The end of the fair fight
Dr. McClennen's new piece: Off with his head: The manufactured scandal over Hasan Minhaj
Tune in: Dr. McClennen discusses the power of satire with Scott Tong from NPR’s ‘Here & Now’
Dr. McClennen's new piece: Hasan Minhaj & the New Yorker: Who decided comedy needed fact-checking?
Dr. McClennen featured on The Colin McEnroe Show to discuss political satire
Just in: Dr. Sophia McClennen publishes new book, “Left Theory and the Alt-Right”
Dr. McClennen discusses her new book & how political satire decoded chaos of forty-fifth presidency
WATCH: Faculty Spotlight featuring Dr. Sophia McClennen
Dr. McClennen featured on 'Lean to the Left' podcast to discuss her new book "Trump Was a Joke."
Dr. McClennen among the six Penn State recipients of 2023 CSRE Grant Award
Dr. McClennen's new piece: Why No GOP Candidate Can Outperform Trump’s Theatrics
Dr. McClennen's new op-ed on how comics can either depress turnout or activate voters in 2024
Dr. McClennen publishes op-ed: The news media is blowing Trump coverage again
KCBS Radio's Holly Quan spoke with Dr. McClennen about satire and comedy as a political strategy
Dr. Sophia McClennen quoted in Wall Street Journal essay by Peter Flunk
SIA Professor McClennen publishes new book on how satire made sense of the Trump era
Professor McClennen publishes article in Salon: Neoliberalism made us broke. Now it's killing us
Prof. McClennen's new research on 'How to Sharpen a Nonviolent Movement' in Journal of Democracy
Professor McClennen shares opinion on The Trump TV show in Salon piece
Dr. McClennen analyzes why mainstream news media got its 2022 midterm election coverage wrong
Dr. Sophia McClennen reviews Matthew Heineman's documentary 'Retrograde'
Professor McClennen analyzes Michael Moore's political predictions
Professor McClennen argues in Salon that Islamophobia in the U.S. is worse than ever
Professor McClennen analyzes Putin's purpose for the Russo-Ukrainian war
Professor McClennen quoted in an article 'Birds Aren't Real'
Professor McClennen's piece on salon: The GOP Needs a Civics Lesson
Dr. McClennen on President Zelenskyy's comedy background and its impact
Why it's (almost) impossible to argue with the right
Professor McClennen comments on the hypocrisy of satire for Salon
Professor McClennen joins UNESCO Policy Lab as an expert
How to use humor against hate: Dr. McClennen shares effective protest strategies
Professor McClennen's response to first presidential debate for RT International
Professor McClennen discusses loving country vs. loving Trump
Professor McClennen: Trump and his supporters have made a mockery of U.S. patriotism
Professor McClennen shares thoughts on human rights and Islamophobia
Professor McClennen interviewed by Indus News
Professor McClennen describes five types of pandemic deniers
Professor McClennen: How the Trump team turned "an abundance of caution" into a lack of concern
Professor McClennen: Why Michael Moore's new film is so controversial
Professor McClennen joins KPFA Radio to discuss the unusual role of comedians in the Coronavirus era
Professor McClennen: COVID-19 is serious, but reckless responses to pandemic deserve mockery
Professor McClennen on Al Jazeera program examining media bias against Bernie Sanders
Professor McClennen: The real outrage of the Afghanistan War Papers
Dr. McClennen discusses the relevance of 'Bowling for Columbine' today
Dr. McClennen talks late-night coverage of impeachment proceedings in MediaFile
Professor McClennen explores the need for "serious Trump jokes"
Professor McClennen: "Will lies win the 2020 election?"
Jon Stewart, defender of American values: How comedians are redefining patriotism now
Can Democrats win in 2020 by attacking Trump? A new study says no
Islamophobia is about politics, not faith: New study explores impact on 2020 elections
Samantha Bee's brutal Trump taunts: Why her Not the White House Correspondents' Dinner is necessary
The Mueller Report has become the left's Benghazi
Why is it so threatening to say Muslim lives matter?
Professor McClennen analyzes public feelings on mixing politics and comedy
The one thing that should really worry you about the 2020 election
Professor McClennen discusses the 5 ways late night comedy will shape the 2020 election
Professor McClennen discusses satire and politics in the Trump era on the Halli Casser-Jayne Show
Center for Global Studies gets $1.1 million grant from Department of Education
Professor McClennen joins Mideast Beast Podcast to discuss satire in the age of Trump
Professor McClennen: When discussing the Middle East, we avoid the human cost of conflict
Dr. McClennen joins the TKO Show to discuss the role of satire in public and political debates
Professor McClennen discusses her recent Salon piece on KGO Radio
Professor McClennen: Nothing Donald Trump did in Helsinki was a surprise
Professor McClennen: America's real Muslim problem is Islamophobia
Professor McClennen joins KPFA Radio to discuss Russiagate, the DNC and more
Professor McClennen on comedy, activism, and Michael Moore in Salon
Is free speech in danger on college campuses? Professor McClennen investigates for Salon
In Salon, Professor McClennen writes new satire program fills important role in media landscape
In Salon, Professor McClennen looks how sexism did (and didn't) shape the 2016 election
Professor McClennen examines new books from Clinton, Sanders in Salon
In Salon, Professor McClennen examines free speech, college campuses, and "blue-baiting"
Professor McClennen examines Jon Stewart's legacy in Salon column
Professor McClennen explores reactions to Charlottesville in Salon column
Professor McClennen tackles the idea of partisan satire in Salon
Professor McClennen examines "the businessman myth" in Salon column
Professor McClennen discusses the importance of Black Lives Matter in Salon column
In Salon, Professor McClennen discusses the rise of alt-right media
In Salon, Professor McClennen says truth is "the new partisan divide"
Professor McClennen on the rise of "crying satire" as a political defense
In Salon, Professor McClennen breaks down the media's "addiction" to Trump
Professor McClennen examines the state of higher education in Salon
Professor McClennen discusses politics and satire on new RealClearPolitics podcast
Professor McClennen to present on satire and the media in four countries
Professor McClennen examines the White House's press strategy for Salon
Professor McClennen talks satire with Germany's largest daily newspaper
Professor McClennen goes viral in Vox video on satire, the media, and Trump
In Salon, Professor McClennen writes Trump has a millennial problem
Professor McClennen talks "Satire in the Age of President Trump" on RT Today
Professor McClennen talks satire, politics, and media with The Daily Collegian
In Salon, Professor McClennen says the Trump administration is giving satire back its edge
Professor McClennen analyzes a new book from "the Egyptian Jon Stewart" for Salon
Professor McClennen talks Trump, political satire with Vox News
In Salon, Professor McClennen writes America is "relearning Democracy"
Professor McClennen talks satire with "the Egyptian Jon Stewart"
In Salon, Professor McClennen writes the Trump Administration is a missed opportunity for the press
Professor McClennen offers ways to fight back in new Salon column
Professor McClennen discusses psychological impact of Trump administration in Salon
Professor McClennen writes for Salon the USA is in "a full-blown satire rebellion"
SIA to host renowned author, historian Vijay Prashad
Professor McClennen writes about the state of political satire for Salon
Professor McClennen discusses Jimmy Fallon's encounter with Donald Trump for ABC News
Professor McClennen weighs on Gary Johnson's Aleppo gaffe, 9/11, and misinformation for Salon
Professor McClennen appears on 'Watching the Hawks' to discuss back-to-school myths
Professor McClennen discusses why most "back to school" advice columns are out of touch
Professor McClennen on why losing “The Nightly Show” matters
'Bustle' quotes McClennen on Stephen Colbert
Professor McClennen on 'how the media—yet again—botched the election'
McClennen: Right-wing attacks thwart reasonable criticism of Clinton’s campaign
McClennen comments as Michael Moore's new movie premieres in the UK
In Salon, McClennen writes that we've regressed in productive political dialogue
McClennen discusses Russian-funded TV and Free Press on radio
McClennen lambasts Jon Stewart's Daily Show replacement
SIA professor introduces Bernie Sanders at University Park campaign stop
McClennen contemplates if Russian cable news can fill the shoes of Al Jazeera America
SIA professor debunks the stereotype of the coddled college student
Professor Sophia McClennen defends college students against current stereotypes
Sophia McClennen analyzes the designation of "Alterlatinos" in Latino Studies
SIA professor co-edits book on the intersection of human rights and literature
McClennen writes how the Republican platform will destroy higher ed
McClennen and other satire fans hopeful Colbert can take on presidential candidates
McClennen 's contribution to American Book Review on the topic of human rights
SIA professor compares the aging Jerry Seinfeld to Bill O'Reilly
Sophia McClennen explains in Salon how the U.S. could learn a few things from Kazakhstan
Baltimore Sun quotes SIA satire expert
SIA professor reflects on the influence of satire in politics
McClennen speaks to local community about satire in American politics
Satire, American politics to be discussed at April 9 Research Unplugged
SIA professor writes how TV news media promotes fear instead of fact
Salon quotes McClennen on "American Sniper"
Professor McClennen in the media around Jon Stewart’s departure
Christian Science Monitor quotes SIA professor in article about Israeli campaign ads using satire
How satire helps us in times of crisis
SIA professor discusses satire on WPSU's "Take Note"
SIA professor argues how "American Sniper" explains the state of the 2015 GOP
Anti-extremist satire and Charlie Hebdo
Looking of the wider context of the Charlie Hebdo cartoons
Prof. Sophia McClennen explains in Salon why we must defend satirists in light of terrorist attack
Pittsburgh news quotes SIA professor Sophia McClennen on French magazine terrorist attack
SIA professor comments on Paris magazine attack in Philadelphia newspaper
Christian Science Monitor quotes SIA satire expert on Paris magazine terrorist attack
McClennen's public radio interview about the meaning of Stephen Colbert's farewell
Orange County Register quotes SIA professor on Stephen Colbert
Why John Oliver is smarter than the State Department
Sophia McClennen remembers how Jon Stewart destroyed Crossfire
Satire’s unique approach to question power and encourage independent thought
When Colbert’s character is gone, who'll help us laugh at the pundits while keeping them in check?
Ten reasons why we will miss The Colbert Report
SIA professor’s new book shows us how satire benefits American political discourse
SIA professor Sophia McClennen writes in that Jon Stewart knows best
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