Scott Sigmund Gartner
- Affiliate of Penn State School of International Affairs
- Ph.D., University of Michigan
- M.A., University of Michigan
- M.A., University of Chicago
- B.A., University of Chicago (with honors)
- Download/View CV

Scott Gartner is the Provost of the U.S. Naval Postgraduate School and an affiliate of Penn State School of International Affairs. Gartner’s interests focus on national and international security, counter-terrorism, cyber security, international conflict mediation and policy assessment. Prior to joining the U.S. Naval Postgraduate School, he was the director of the Penn State School of International Affairs and taught classes in national security, conflict management, international affairs, foreign policy and research design.
Gartner's over fifty academic publications include books such as Strategic Assessment in War, International Conflict Mediation: New Approaches and Findings and The Historical Statistics of the United States, in addition to articles in top journals in political science, sociology, international affairs, history, military intelligence, public policy, international negotiations, and communications. His honors include the Jefferson award for the best government resource, the RUSA Outstanding Reference Award, Booklist Editor's Choice Award, Library Journal Best Reference Award, History News Network Book of the Month and the American Political Science Association's best policy thesis award. Gartner’s research has been funded by the National Science Foundation, the National Security Agency, The National Counter Terrorism Center, the Folke Bernadotte Academy, and the Sloan foundation.
Gartner’s op-ed columns have been published in The Huffington Post, USA Today, The Christian Science Monitor, the Baltimore Sun, and many other outlets. Professor Gartner and his research have appeared in The New York Times, The Washington Post, Wired, USA Today, Newsweek, and The Atlantic and on The History Network, MSNBC, NPR, and ABC. He is currently working on studies of 1) counter terrorism, 2) military casualties and politics, 3) international dispute mediation and 4) suicide in the military.
“Fear of Rejection: The Puzzle of Unaccepted Mediation Offers in International Conflict.” Conflict Management and Peace Science. Forthcoming.
“Deceptive Results: Why Mediation Appears to Fail but Actually Succeeds.” The Penn State Journal of Law and International Affairs. 2013.
“Signs of Trouble: Regional Organization Mediation and Civil War Agreement Durability.” The Journal of Politics. 2011.
International Conflict Mediation: New Approaches and Findings. Routledge Press. 2009.
“Understanding the Camp David Accords and Muslim Brotherhood's Threat.” The McClatchy News Service. 2012.
National Security Policy
“Flip-flops and High Heels: An Experimental Analysis of Elite Position Change and Gender on Wartime Public Support.” International Interactions. Forthcoming.
“On Behalf of a Grateful Nation: Conventionalized Images of Loss and Individual Public Opinion Change in War.” International Studies Quarterly. 2011.
Strategic Assessment in War. New Haven: Yale University Press. 1999.
“Sequester offers an Opportunity to Realign National Security.” McClatchy News Service. 2013
“Mitt Romney's flip-flopping didn't hurt him.” The Christian Science Monitor. 2012.Terrorism and Intelligence
“All Mistakes Are Not Equal: Intelligence Errors & National Security.” Intelligence and National Security. 2013.
“Beyond Victory and Defeat: Rethinking Outcome, Assessment, and Strategy in Afghanistan.” In Afghanistan Endgames. Georgetown University Press. 2012.
“Point the Blame at Oil for the World's Flash Points.” Sacramento Bee. 2011.
“Big Data Could Uncover Clue on Marathon.” USA Today. 2013.
War and Politics
“Iraq and Afghanistan through the Lens of American Military Casualties.” Small Wars Journal. 2013.
“The Multiple Effects of Casualties on Public Support for War: An Experimental Approach.” The American Political Science Review. 2008.
“Ties to the Dead: Connections to Iraq War and 9/11 Casualties and Presidential Approval.” American Sociological Review. 2008.
Historical Statistics of the United States: Millennial Edition. NY: Cambridge University Press. 2006.
“Iraq, Afghanistan Consigned to Issues Back Burner.” Newsday. 2008.
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SIA students get real-world experience through one of a kind experimental mediation class
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