WPSU airs School of International Affairs' experiential learning simulation

- By Ankitha Rajendaran

WPSU producer Kate Lao Shaffner shadowed students as they participated in a simulation of a UN peace conference centered on a complicated international issue. The event took place over two days with Penn State law students and students from the U.S. Army War College.

The SIA curriculum features many simulated briefings, negotiations, and even trials, to help students learn the fundamentals of international relations. The experiential curriculum draws on a faculty that includes former ambassadors, an admiral, National Security Council staff, a senior official of both the African Union and the United Nations, economic development agency director, members of the FBI and CIA, State Department Senior Counselor, US Geological Survey Chief Scientist, government minister, and a UN international disarmament chairman as well as international law and arbitration experts and top scholars who contribute to the public discourse.

You can view the story on the WPSU website.