July 20, 2015
SIA professor and retired U.S. ambassador signs letter urging Congress to support Iran nuclear deal

Professor and retired ambassador Dennis C. Jett joined 99 other retired ambassadors in signing a letter supporting the nuclear deal with Iran. The letter applauded President Obama’s diplomatic strategy and urged Congress to support the agreement for nonproliferation of nuclear weapons.
“If properly implemented, this comprehensive and rigorously negotiated agreement can be an effective instrument in arresting Iran’s nuclear program and preventing the spread of nuclear weapons in the volatile and vitally important region of the Middle East,” the letter stated.
The letter continues, stating that the agreement focuses on the important American objectives of nonproliferation and a secure Middle East. It calls for all sides to support this agreement, and that Congress should “be a full partner in its implementation.”
The Iran Project, a New York-based organization that is dedicated to “a peaceful resolution to the nuclear standoff,” coordinated the letter.
It states that the ambassadors recognize the agreement “is not a perfect or risk-free settlement of the problem. However we believe without it, the risks to the security of the United States and our friends and allies would be far greater.”
Jett, former ambassador to Mozambique and Peru, joined the School of International Affairs after a career in the U.S. Foreign Service that spanned 28 years and three continents. His experience and expertise focus on international relations, foreign aid administration, and American foreign policy.