October 05, 2010
Peace Corps volunteers choose SIA
by Patricia Bloom
Many people travel the globe but never take the time to visit Lesotho or Cameroon. School of International Affairs (SIA) students Brianna Buehler ‘11 and Trevor Ammons '12 made Lesotho and Cameroon their respective homes for two years as Peace Corps volunteers.
Peace Corps assignments are made based on a volunteer's experience and the host country's needs. “I was really excited to find out I would be in Lesotho because it was unlike anywhere I had previously been,” said Buehler, who had previously studied psychology, human development, and family studies at Penn State. In the Peace Corps, Buehler worked with preschool teachers helping to set up their early childhood development programs throughout Lesotho. Partnering with the Ministry of Education Department's Director of Preschool Programs, Buehler was responsible for visiting both local and rural preschool programs and ensuring the student programs were successful and on track.
Ammons, a graduate of the University of Northern Colorado, was stationed in Cameroon as a small enterprise development volunteer. “I worked at a local microcredit institution where I taught business classes that incorporated Microsoft Office Suite. The best part of my job was the cultural exchange between the students and me,” Ammons said. “Peace Corps programs are often shaped by the region's culture. In this case, the class was a group of 16 to 26 year-old students interested in learning about business. We would discuss business philosophy as used in the United States and how these concepts could fit into their lives.”

Unique SIA program experiences such as the Mashavu TeleMedicine project were one of the main reasons Ammons chose Penn State when selecting a program. While he is just beginning his School of International Affairs experience, he is enjoying getting more involved at Penn State. He would like to intern with a major international sports organization next year for his capstone experience. “I came back to school to receive a better foundation and understanding of other cultures and history. So for now, I'm excited to get these basics down and make the most of this new adventure,” he said.