USAID Mission Director for Pakistan to speak

Date & Time: April 28, 2016 | 06:15 PM – 06:15 PM

Location: 012 Lewis Katz Building

Gregory C. Gottlieb, USAID Mission Director for Pakistan, will present on “The Interface Between Politics, Diplomacy and Development in Pakistan” as part of the Penn State School of International Affairs’ spring colloquium: Current Policy Challenges.

Professor and U.S. Ambassador (Ret.) Dennis Jett, organizes the semester long event to bring thought leaders on topics ranging from food security to terrorism. The program features 14 speakers. Colloquium topics vary depending upon the current issues of the day. The course surveys some major transnational social problems confronting the world, suggested by the Copenhagen Consensus, such as: climate change; communicable diseases; conflict and arms proliferation; access to education; financial instability; governance and corruption; malnutrition and hunger; migration; sanitation and access to clean water; and subsidies and trade barriers. The course involves team teaching and guest lecturers. The course lectures are open to the public and made available via webcast.

Gregory C. Gottlieb prior to being appointed Mission Director for Pakistan served as Senior Deputy Assistant Administrator for the Bureau for Food Security, where he oversaw development activities associated with Feed the Future, the U.S. Government’s global hunger and food security initiative.