The Power of Protests

Date & Time: October 28, 2021 | 12:30 AM – July 16, 2024 | 07:29 AM

Location: Katz Auditorium

The Center for Global Studies and Penn State School of International Affairs present The Power of Protests with special guest speaker Benjamin Press. This event will take place on Wednesday, October 27, from 4:00 to 5:30 p.m. (ET) in the Katz Auditorium and concurrently via Zoom. Registration is required (below) and, upon registration, you will receive a confirmation email with a Zoom link, should you decide to attend the event virtually.

Press is a Gaither Junior with the Democracy, Conflict, and Governance Program at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, where he runs The Protest Tracker. He has previously interned for the Bureau for Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor Office of European Affairs within the U.S. Department of State. His most recent article is "American Diplomacy and the Fight Against Authoritarianism."

This event is co-sponsored by the College of the Liberal Arts, Global and International Studies Program, McCourtney Institute for Democracy, Rock Ethics Institute, and Sustainability Institute.