The Hague Ruling on the South China Sea: The Divergence of Law and Diplomacy

Date & Time: October 05, 2016 | 04:00 PM – 06:45 PM

Location: Sutliff Auditorium (118)

The dispute between China and the Philippines over the South China Sea has garnered widespread attention in the global community after China rejected the ruling by the arbitral tribunal. This event will examine the various implications of the South China Sea ruling and, in turn, discuss important theories of international law and international relations. We have invited scholars and practitioners from different countries to attend this seminar and share different perspectives on the South China Sea dispute. The seminar will be recorded and the presentations will be published as a book in China. This seminar is presented by The Penn State Research and Career Development Network for Law & International Affairs, The Center for Global Studies, The Penn State International Arbitration Group, and The Foundation for Law and International Affairs.