Peace Corps @ Penn State

Date & Time: October 08, 2019 | 02:00 AM – July 16, 2024 | 07:41 PM

Location: Katz Atrium

Join the College of Agricultural Sciences, School of International Affairs, and Smeal College of Business for our annual celebration of the many contributions made (and to be made) by Penn Staters to the Peace Corps. We are excited to welcome to Penn State our third cohort of RPCVs as Coverdell Fellows, to celebrate the work of the Peace Corps Recruiting Office in cultivating new generations of Penn Staters as Peace Corps Volunteers, and to share the exciting news that Penn State will soon join the ranks of schools nation-wide offering Peace Corps Prep certificates. This will also be an opportunity for RPCVs at Penn State and in the local community to meet, swap stories of service, and to share insights on ways to achieve the Third Goal of the Peace Corps (bringing Peace Corps experience to bear on the challenges facing local communities). It is also an opportunity for those wanting to learn more about Peace Corps to meet with RPCVs and hear their experiences of life in the field, and to learn about Coverdell Fellowship opportunities to pursue graduate degrees after Peace Corps service.

If you are able to attend, please RSVP online.