Grad School Survival 101: Did Someone Say Activities?

Date & Time: September 18, 2020 | 11:45 PM – July 16, 2024 | 02:58 PM

Location: Online (Zoom)

Calling all 1st year students! Are you overwhelmed with 802 readings? Are you scared of 506 because you do not have an Econ background? Are you stressed about 500 because quantitative analysis is a foreign language? What is there to do in State College? This Grad School Survival 101 series is catered to help navigate coursework, life, and stress, especially during this pandemic. Each panel will feature 2nd year SIA students sharing their tips and tricks to guide you through your first semester. Sessions will be held via Zoom. Check your email for the Zoom link!

This third session takes place on Friday, September 18 at 4:00 p.m. Panelists will give their take on a social guide to State College - what to do, where to eat, and more!