Economic and Social Development in Africa: Local Innovation, Green Technologies, and Human Capital

Date & Time: November 17, 2014 | 10:15 PM – November 18, 2014 | 12:00 AM

Location: Lewis Katz Building Auditorium

Join us for a panel discussion on "Economic and Social Development in Africa: Local Innovation, Green Technologies and Human Capital," on Monday, Nov. 17 from 2:15 - 4:00 p.m. in the Lewis Katz Building auditorium.

Too often our media describes Africa as a continent of poverty and helplessness. Africa is a contingent of many nations, peoples, ideas, and innovations. Local innovations, green technologies and human capital offer majore opportunities for economic growth and development. The panelists include:

Professor Khanjan Mehta
Founding director of the Humanitarian Engineering and Social Entrepreneurship (HESE) Program at Penn State, will discuss the innovation and implementation of transformative social innovations and scalable busines models to transform solutions into sustainable and scalable ventures that enable and accelerate positve social change. He will provide an overview of the HESE experience and development opportunities in Africa.

Dr. Kidane Mengisteab
Director of the African Studies Program at Penn State will discuss economic development in Africa. He will discuss how govenmance can create opportunities and he will present the challenges African countries can face in their development such as environmental degradation.

Dr. Dennis Jett
Retired U.S. Ambassador and current professro of international affairs at Penn State will disucss the role of diplomacy and coorperation in building a stronger continent. He will delve into the difference of relations versus imposition of agendas and the influence of Africa's development on U.S. national security.

*A reception with food will follow the event where attendees will have an opportunity to meet with the panelists.