
Pittsburgh news quotes SIA professor Sophia McClennen on French magazine terrorist attack

SIA professor comments on Paris magazine attack in Philadelphia newspaper

Christian Science Monitor quotes SIA satire expert on Paris magazine terrorist attack

SIA professor and retired U.S. Ambassador Dennis C. Jett

Listen to SIA professor Dennis Jett discuss the role of U.S. ambassadors on NPR-Pittsburgh

Daily Beast showcases SIA professor's new book about U.S. Ambassadors

SIA professor responds to Pittsburgh Post Gazette columnist arguing torture report is a liberal plo

Publication quotes SIA professor on U.N. gun control treaty and the U.S. response

SIA professor and retired U.S. Ambassador Dennis C. Jett

In the New Republic SIA professor argues that the GOP continues to let paranoia prevent legislation beneficial to the U.S.

Sophia McClennen spoke with Footnote about Stephen Colbert’s impact on U.S. politics

McClennen's public radio interview about the meaning of Stephen Colbert's farewell

Orange County Register quotes SIA professor on Stephen Colbert

Why John Oliver is smarter than the State Department

Sophia McClennen remembers how Jon Stewart destroyed Crossfire

SIA professor Sophia McClennen gets top billing on Salon (magazine) writing on the recent satirical triumphs of news satirists

Satire’s unique approach to question power and encourage independent thought

Can satire save our democracy? Is comedy our main source of news? Find out an interview with SIA professor Sophia McClennen

When Colbert’s character is gone, who'll help us laugh at the pundits while keeping them in check?

Ten reasons why we will miss The Colbert Report

SIA professor and retired U.S. Ambassador Dennis C. Jett

Christian Science Monitor quotes SIA professor Dennis Jett on the role of openly gay U.S. ambassadors

Students learn by doing as SIA launches internship program in D.C.

Students learn by doing as SIA launches internship program in D.C.

Can satirical news alter viewers' perceptions? Capital News Service quotes SIA professor Sophia McClennen on the issue.

SIA professor and retired U.S. ambassador pens book on why U.S. ambassadors still matter and how to get better ones

SIA professor answers why Russia and Iran have more cyber forces than the U.S.

SIA professor: U.S. failure to reach nuclear agreement with Iran will boost Iran-China relations

SIA launches internship program in D.C.

Penn State professors pen book on role of legal signs in law

SIA grad and United Nations public information assistant talks to students about careers at the U.N.

Students gain international diplomacy skills through strategic crisis negotiation

Dennis Jett

Former U.S. ambassador and School of International Affairs professor shares insights on building a career in diplomacy

SIA professor’s new book shows us how satire benefits American political discourse

Research center led by SIA professor obtains grants of over $2 million supporting global studies at Penn State, K-12, and in the community

Kimberly Dozier talks with students

Journalist and author Kimberly Dozier previews upcoming SIA course with students

Professor Dennis Jett

Former ambassador and SIA professor points out "we never 'won' in Iraq"

SIA professor Sophia McClennen writes in that Jon Stewart knows best

Professor Scott Gartner

In a Huffington Post article, SIA professor Scott Gartner suggests Net Assessment as a strategy to defeat ISIS

Professor challenges the international arbitration community to self-regulate

Moira Whelan, deputy assistant secretary for digital strategy with the U.S. State Department speaks to students

State Department official visits SIA class to explain how social media is changing diplomacy

SIA Professor Sophia McClennen writes for about John Oliver being smarter than the State Department

Professor Flynt Leverett's review of Obama's war policy in Iraq and Syria.

SIA launches semester in Washington program

Flynt L. Leverett

School of International Affairs Professor and Middle East expert discusses Obama’s strategy for dealing with the Islamic State

Catherine A. Rogers

Professor launches Institute for Regulation and Ethics in London

Dennis Jett

How to Get Better Ambassadors

Professor Zaryab Iqbal joins the School of International Affairs this fall as a visiting professor from Penn State’s Department of Political Science.

Dennis Jett

Former Ambassador and Professor Dennis Jett speaks out on how to get better ambassadors

Journalist and best-selling author Kimberly Dozier joins School of International Affairs

Professor Larry Backer to speak at London’s Chatham House about African sovereign wealth funds

Alumnus Carl Boswell ’14 discovers how to make an impact in developing countries